Encode and Decode Base64

For sure the easiest way to encode or decode Base64 text online

Tips and Tricks

About Base64

Base64 encoding is a convenient, portable way of representing data.

Use For Web Development

Base64-encoded copies of images, CSS, fonts, and JavaScript can be used in places where you would otherwise reference a URL. This can be useful for removing dependencies on external files, to reduce the number of network requests or to allow a document to exist on its own.

This uses the 'data URI' format. The URI is of the format data:${mediatype};base64,${data}, where

ASCII characters

ASCII is a standard for representing 128 different characters: capital and lowercase letters, numbers, common punctuation, spaces, and some control instructions used by computers to understand documents.

This means that each of these supported characters can also be represented as a number. For example, 'A' is always '65', and 'h' is always '150'. Any system that uses this standard knows how to make this translation, and so these characters can be encoded to numeric representations and processed by computers, and shared between systems that all understand this way of representing supported characters.

The ASCII character set
_0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8 _9 _A _B _C _D _E _F
0_ NUL0000 SOH0001 STX0002 ETX0003 EOT0004 ENQ0005 ACK0006 BEL0007 BS0008 HT0009 LF0010 VT0011 FF0012 CR0013 SO0014
1_ DLE0016 DC10017 DC20018 DC30019 DC40020 NAK0021 SYN0022 ETB0023 CAN0024 EM0025 SUB0026 ESC0027 FS0028 GS0029 RS0030 US0031
2_ SP0032 !0033 "0034 #0035 $0036 %0037 &0038 '0039 (0040 )0041 *0042 +0043 ,0044 -0045 .0046 /0047
3_ 00048 10049 20050 30051 40052 50053 60054 70055 80056 90057 :0058 ;0059 <0060 =0061 >0062 ?0063
4_ @0064 A0065 B0066 C0067 D0068 E0069 F0070 G0071 H0072 I0073 J0074 K0075 L0076 M0077 N0078 O0079
5_ P0080 Q0081 R0082 S0083 T0084 U0085 V0086 W0087 X0088 Y0089 Z0090 [0091 \0092 ]0093 ^0094 _0095
6_ `0096 a0097 b0098 c0099 d0100 e0101 f0102 g0103 h0104 i0105 j0106 k0107 l0108 m0109 n0110 o0111
7_ p0112 q0113 r0114 s0115 t0116 u0117 v0118 w0119 x0120 y0121 z0122 {0123 |0124 }0125 ~0126 DEL0127

Because computers today typically work in multiples of 8 bits at a time, there is room for 256 characters. This extra room gives space for more characters, and is referred to as EASCII, or 'Extended ASCII'

There are several distinct encoding patterns for EASCII, so systems encoding or decoding characters to numbers need to agree on which numbers represent which characters. The most prevalent system is called 'Latin-1'.

The Latin-1 extended ASCII character set
_0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8 _9 _A _B _C _D _E _F
A_ NBSP 160 ¡ 161 ¢ 162 £ 163 ¤ 164 ¥ 165 ¦ 166 § 167 ¨ 168 © 169 ª 170 « 171 ¬ 172 SHY 173 ® 174 ¯ 175
B_ ° 176 ± 177 ² 178 ³ 179 ´ 180 µ 181 182 · 183 ¸ 184 ¹ 185 º 186 » 187 ¼ 188 ½ 189 ¾ 190 ¿ 191
C_ À 192 Á 193 Â 194 Ã 195 Ä 196 Å 197 Æ 198 Ç 199 È 200 É 201 Ê 202 Ë 203 Ì 204 Í 205 Î 206 Ï 207
D_ Ð 208 Ñ 209 Ò 210 Ó 211 Ô 212 Õ 213 Ö 214 × 215 Ø 216 Ù 217 Ú 218 Û 219 Ü 220 Ý 221 Þ 222 ß 223
E_ à 224 á 225 â 226 ã 227 ä 228 å 229 æ 230 ç 231 è 232 é 233 ê 234 ë 235 ì 236 í 237 î 238 ï 239
F_ ð 240 ñ 241 ò 242 ó 243 ô 244 õ 245 ö 246 ÷ 247 ø 248 ù 249 ú 250 û 251 ü 252 ý 253 þ 254 ÿ 255

The ASCII standard most easily supports English words and punctuation. Extended ASCII encodings can add on support for characters of other languages, but 128 additional characters isn't enough to represent an alphabet in every language.

Consider the number of variations in writing systems with heavy diacritic use, like Vietnamese's tonal marks; or logographic characters in systems like Chinese; or the number of Emojis available on your phone. Consider also times when you want to include characters from multiple languages in a single document. Other standards, like Unicode, exist to more fully represent all characters. There are standard ways to represent these larger alphabets using ASCII characters.


Consider binary, decimal, and hexadecimal numbers. Binary is Base2 — each character can be either a '0' or a '1'. The word 'hello' represented in binary is '01101000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111', with eight characters representing one of 256 possible ASCII characters.

Decimal is Base10, the counting system you are most familiar with — it uses the numbers 0 through 9 to represent 10 possible values of each character. In Base10 'hello' is represented as '448378203247'.

Hexadecimal is Base16. Typically the numbers 0 through 9 and the letters A through F are used to represent 16 possible values. Even though there are letters used to represent this system they aren't they same as the encoded letters ('A' encoded to ASCII and displayed as a hexadecimal number is '41')

Base64 uses 64 different characters to represent this same content. These characters are most often the letters 'A–Z', 'a–z', '0–9', '+', and '/' (the symbol '=' is used as padding also), though different standards exist. These characters were picked because they exist in ASCII, and can easily be encoded and shared across systems with little risk of intermediaries inadvertently misconverting the data.

Characters typically used to represent units in Base64
Index Char Index Char Index Char Index Char
0 A 16 Q 32 g 48 w
1 B 17 R 33 h 49 x
2 C 18 S 34 i 50 y
3 D 19 T 35 j 51 z
4 E 20 U 36 k 52 0
5 F 21 V 37 l 53 1
6 G 22 W 38 m 54 2
7 H 23 X 39 n 55 3
8 I 24 Y 40 o 56 4
9 J 25 Z 41 p 57 5
10 K 26 a 42 q 58 6
11 L 27 b 43 r 59 7
12 M 28 c 44 s 60 8
13 N 29 d 45 t 61 9
14 O 30 e 46 u 62 +
15 P 31 f 47 v 63 / (padding) =

Base64 will often be used to represent data meant for computers to read, like binary content of images, where if a system converted the raw contents the original data would become hard to interpret.


When using 64 characters of Base64 to represent EASCII, more than one digit must be used to record one of the 256 possible characters.

In Base2, 256 characters can be represented in 8 digits, or 8 'bits'. For example, the ASCII character 'A' in Base10 is '65', and 65 in Base2 is '01000001'. Base64 can represent 6 bits of information, so 2 digits are used to record more than that: 'A''s index 65 is encoded as 'QQ' in Base64, using 12 bits of information.

Since only 8 of 12 bits are used to represent a character, the remaining 4 can be used to represent part of another character. In total, 4 characters of Base64 are equal to 3 EASCII characters.

Format  |
text    | h        e        l        l        o
binary  | 01101000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 
        |    v (split in to 6 bit chunks)
        | 011010 000110 010101 101100 011011 000110 1111(00)
base10 | 26     6      21     44     27     6      60
base64 | a      G      V      s      b      G      8
output  | aGVsbG8=


The default typeface is Overpass Mono. It is open-source, released in 2015. The Overpass series is based on Highway Gothic, a sans-serif series developed by the United States Highway Administration, originally specified in 1948, prepared with an eye towards keeping street signs legible at high speeds and in suboptimal lighting or atmospheric conditions.